"Lawmakers left Springfield without taking action on some big-ticket items such as pension reform and gaming expansion, but kicking the can is really nothing new for the Illinois General Assembly. After all, lawmakers have been kicking the can when it comes to lawsuit reform for many years, and this legislative session was no exception.
Illinois is ranked as the nation’s fifth-worst state for legal fairness by the respected research company Harris Interactive. While surrounding states such as Wisconsin, which is just to the north of Rockford has recently passed lawsuit reforms attract more employers, the leaders in the Illinois House and the Senate refuse to even allow lawsuit reforms to get a vote.
The real world consequences of failing to enact meaningful lawsuit reforms are higher unemployment and increased difficulties in attracting new business opportunities.
Approving meaningful lawsuit reforms that restore fairness to our courts would send a message to job creators that Illinois is open for business. The current unemployment rate in Illinois is 9.3 percent, and only Nevada has a higher unemployment rate.
We clearly cannot afford for the “Land of Lincoln” to be viewed as the “Land of Lawsuits” any longer.
— Travis Akin, Marion"
[1] Bonds Bonds and More Future Debt in Illinois!
[2] Illinois Is More Than A Deadbeat State!
[3] Government Waste and Spending by District 86 Legislators!
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