News Re-posted (in-part) from StarTribune National Newspaper:
""Speaking before Republican donors at an Indianapolis fundraiser, Walker laid out one of his reasons for running for governor: Wisconsin's poor standing with Chief Executive magazine.
"Our state, Wisconsin, we were ranked 43 in the chief executive rankings. In fact, Illinois was the same, and sadly today with Democrat leadership they're at number 48, so they haven't changed much in the last four years. Last month in that ranking, we moved from 43 four years ago up to number 17," he said to loud applause."
Selective use of data and statistics is old hat in Indiana politics, as much as Wisconsin or any other state.
Former Gov. Mitch Daniels was fond of saying Hoosiers enjoyed some of the lowest state debt per person, citing a report from the conservative State Budget Solutions. But another conservative-leaning group, Tax Foundation, determined earlier this year that Indiana falls in the middle of the pack, with its residents carrying $3,405 in debt per person. Michigan and Ohio residents carried a couple hundred less, and Illinois and Wisconsin residents were on the hook for more.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics, which calculates unemployment rates, lists Indiana as one of the worst in the nation, tied with Georgia and Tennessee at 8.3 percent. It's not as bad as Illinois, which is hobbled with a 9.1 percent rate, but a far cry from North Dakota, which has 3.2 percent unemployment thanks to an ongoing gas and oil boom.
But still ranked Indiana the 15th-best state "to make a living" in an April report, based on a mix of factors including unemployment, cost of living and tax rates. Wisconsin came at number 25.""
Folks you can change the course of our State, especially in District 86, by NOT voting for State Rep. Larry Walsh Jr. or State Sen. Pat McGuire. We don't have to be the laughing-stock of the nation. Our State economy needs a turn-around and the same "family and friends" is NOT getting the job done! You have a chance to rectify this in 2014 and 2016! State and Federal policies need your voice!
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